Notice we didn’t say, “Walk for 30 minutes a day”. While that is ideal (and extra credit for you if you can!), this week we just want you to get 30 minutes more exercise than you normally give yourself. Here are a few ways you can do it.

• Take a five-minute walk on your lunch break every day this week.
• Make your trip to the mailbox include a trip around the block (even if your mailbox is attached to your house)
• March in place during the commercial breaks of your favorite television show.
• Park your car in the opposite corner of the parking lot (whatever space gives you the most walking distance to the door).
• If your office building features several different restrooms, use the one that is farthest away.
• Choose to take the stairs when possible.
• When talking to your friends, even if it’s just on the phone, head out for a walk. Don’t worry if you get winded—it will make you a better listener. ☺
The goal for this particular challenge isn’t to torch 1,000 calories or get you in gear to run a marathon. Rather, it allows you to see just where you can start introducing nuggets of fitness in your every day life. Always remember: your body was made to move. You may find that once you get started on a one-block walk, you feel like walking farther. And that’s the beginning of something beautiful.
Not sure how much exercise you are able to tackle? Our doctors are here to answer your questions and give you a physical assessment. Schedule an appointment with our office today!
What are you doing to rise to this week’s challenge?

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