The stories below provide an inside look at our physicians, staff and include numerous resources for our patients and the community.Summer Wellness Challenge #4: Get 8 Hours of Sleep
Ask any mother and father of a newborn how important sleep is and they will tell you: VERY.
Challenge 4
Sleep deprivation has been blamed for serious health problems that include heart disease, high blood pressures, diabetes, and stroke. Without proper sleep, your brain doesn’t work properly. Your brain needs its sleep cycles to catalog memories and experiences; without proper sleep, learning takes longer, concentration gets slippery, and it becomes hard to pay attention. Getting fewer than 6 hours of sleep a night affects your sex drive, your metabolism, and your judgment—and not in the good ways.
Summer Wellness Challenge #3: Embrace Gratitude
It turns out there IS power to positive thinking. Studies have shown that embracing gratitude on a daily basis has a whole host of benefits. It strengthens relationships, builds self-esteem, makes stress and anxiety more manageable, can make you more successful, and can help you sleep better at night. It can also have profound affects on your body, easing hypertension and improving immune systems.
Summer Wellness Challenge #2: Walk for 30 Minutes
Notice we didn’t say, “Walk for 30 minutes a day”. While that is ideal (and extra credit for you if you can!), this week we just want you to get 30 minutes more exercise than you normally give yourself. Here are a few ways you can do it.
Summer Wellness Challenge #1: Eat a New Fruit or Vegetable
Your mama was right about a lot of things, but telling you to eat your fruits and vegetables is the best advice she could have given you. Full of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, fresh, non-processed produce is one of the most important keys to giving your body what it needs to thrive.
We’re kicking off the FHCSL Summer Wellness Challenge!
With its explosion of seasonal fruits and vegetables and its motivating wardrobe, summer is a great time to adopt new, healthy habits that will last the rest of the year. To help you make this summer the best one yet, Family Healthcare of Siouxland is kicking off the FHCSL Summer Wellness Challenge, which will offer weekly goals, encouragement, tips, and lots of community support.
The Signs of a Stroke: Act FAST and Save Lives
May is National Stroke Awareness Month, making now the perfect time to recognize the risk factors and warning signs of the third leading cause of death in American women. Protect yourself and the people you love by arming yourself with these important facts.