The stories below provide an inside look at our physicians, staff and include numerous resources for our patients and the community.3 Tips To Improve Heart Health
Has the shine worn off of your New Year’s Resolutions yet? You’re not alone. Contrary to popular belief, a habit isn’t formed in 21 days. In fact, some people believe habit formation is a constant process. For it not to feel like work, you have to see, feel, and remind yourself of the value. You have to embrace it’s “why” and form your own when, what, and how every single day.
5 One-Word New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Feel Good About Keeping
Everyone at Family Health Care of Siouxland wants you to have the best 2017 possible, and we all agree that New Year’s resolutions aren’t always the best way to do it. Too often, people (ourselves included) make our yearly goals too difficult, too lengthy, and too unrealistic. And this is why we’re encouraging simple one-word goals you can throw into your everyday life. Whether you write them on index cards or stick them as daily reminders on your smartphone, the important thing is to make your goals easy to remember, recite, and repeat.
5 Holiday Traditions You Should Start Right Now
You and your family probably have several traditions that surround the holidays. From dedicating a day to decorate the tree to piling in the car to see all the Christmas lights, this time of year makes it easy to remember old traditions and create some new ones. We found five that were new to us this year, and we couldn’t wait to share them with you.
5 Kid-Friendly Ways To Celebrate Gratitude
We all have a lot to be thankful for these days, but we don’t often take the time to appreciate it, let alone model gratitude for our kids. As usual, we hit Pinterest and the interwebs for inspiration, and, as usual, they delivered in style. Here are five of our favorites, chosen for their ease, low cost, and high cute factor.
5 Surprising Flu Shot Superpowers
It is a foe no one wants to face. It preys on the young and the weak, and it levels even the strongest of us like feathers. Its mere presence saps energy and appetite, stiffening movement and sending chills down more than just your spine. It is formidable. It is unrelenting. And it multiplies on contact.
You Know You Have Diabetes If…
Ask anyone with diabetes and they’ll tell you: it’s not fun and games. Every once in a while, though, it helps to use humor as a way to bring it all into perspective.
You know you have diabetes if… the one thing that perks you up is a good laugh with people who get these memes.