Everyone at Family Health Care of Siouxland wants you to have the best 2017 possible, and we all agree that New Year’s resolutions aren’t always the best way to do it. Too often, people (ourselves included) make our yearly goals too difficult, too lengthy, and too unrealistic. And this is why we’re encouraging simple one-word goals you can throw into your everyday life. Whether you write them on index cards or stick them as daily reminders on your smartphone, the important thing is to make your goals easy to remember, recite, and repeat.
Whether you are a night owl or one of the early birds, sleep is an essential element of your health, and it doesn’t matter when you get it, just that you do. Most experts say adults need between six and eight hours of deep, consecutive sleep each night to function at their best.
And the advice isn’t just for adults. The National Sleep Foundation reports that children who do not get adequate and sufficient sleep are at risk for behavior problems, impaired school performance, mood and emotion problems, and health problems like obesity.
While knowing the risks of sleep deprivation is important, it may be easier to incorporate a better sleep routine into your daily life if you understand its many benefits. While we sleep, our body has a chance to regulate inflammatory proteins, which are the culprits of stroke, heart disease, and premature aging. Our brains also better harness our creativity and newly learned skills, processing and organizing as we dream and slumber.
If losing weight is on your radar for 2017, getting enough sleep should be, too. It turns out that the hormones your body creates when it is sleepy are the same ones it uses to drive appetite, so that late-night snack may not be what your body is craving after all.
Let’s try a little exercise, shall we? Sit up straight and let your head hover over your neck. Stretch the corners of your mouth out and up with your cheek muscles. Now think of something absolutely lovely. Congrats, you’ve just completed one of the best workouts you can do for your health: Smiling.
There are several benefits to grinning, and most of them start with the muscles that make it happen. Your brain registers smiling facial movements and releases endorphins, our happy hormones, which help us feel relaxed and positive and overall just…better. In this way you can absolutely “fake it until you make it”; your brain doesn’t differentiate when it comes to hormone release.
In times of stress and sadness, it is important to add a little happy into your daily routine. Reading the comics, enjoying a moment with friends, and heading out to a romantic comedy are great ways to add a smile to your face and some much-needed endorphins to your body. These endorphins naturally increase pain tolerance, lower blood pressure, manage pressure and tension, and help facilitate stronger learning and social connections. And the best part about smiling? It’s wonderfully contagious.
We all know the key to a well-balanced diet. We know we should cut down on processed foods and eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. When it comes to eating the right foods, however, knowing is less than half the battle. The hardest part is actively choosing to do it.
This is why “nourish” is such a powerful New Year’s Resolution word. By definition, it means “to provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.” Say “nourish” to yourself before every meal and use it as an opportunity to give your body the most supportive elements to good health. If anything, actively choose to eat—and enjoy—those foods first.
There are several recipe and food delivery services available now that can provide you with the meals and healthy choices your body needs to feel not only full, but also strong, empowered, clean, and focused. Don’t underestimate the power of nourished nutrition in 2017; you may find that the health you’ve been seeking is right at the end of your spoon.
I know what you’re thinking. Breathing should be the easiest resolution ever to master. After all, you’ve been doing it since birth, right?
What most people don’t realize is just how powerful breath can be. Ask any mother in labor, trained athlete, or yoga teacher; they’ll all tell you that breath can do so much more than deliver oxygen to your blood cells. The trick is learning how to do it properly and when to incorporate different breathing exercises into your day and life. For instance, deep belly breaths can revitalize you much like a cup of coffee. Alternate nostril breathing can help regulate stress. Slow, meditative breathing can promote a more restful sleep. Simply sitting up straight, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth can bring the thoughtful awareness and posturing needed in your day.
Add thoughtful breathing to your list of resolutions, and you can almost palpably slow down time, which will help you make the most of every moment 2017 has to offer.
We know we’re asking a lot with this one-word resolution. While it’s an obvious invitation to reduce screen time, we know this isn’t always easy or possible. Your goal in the days, weeks, and months to come is to reduce mindless electronic use. Give yourself 30 minutes to check Facebook, play your favorite game, check online sales, etc., and hold yourself accountable with a timer. You’ll be surprised how fast the time goes, and you may also find that the half-hour “wake up call” will tune you into how much time is being sucked into your devices.
If you find you can’t pull your kids away from their screens, don’t let them have all the fun—join in! The American Academy of Pediatrics recently changed their stance on technology use with kids, and for a good reason—some technology has shown to be beneficial, as long as it is used properly and not as a substitute for real human engagement and learning. Keep it balanced with plenty of outdoor play, board games, family meals, and healthy competition and you’ll find the tech battle isn’t one you have to fight to win.
You’ll note that we didn’t add “more” to any of these resolutions. The key is to keep these words front-of-mind so that you make them a priority. And when you make your health a priority, you’ll get exactly as much as you need.