It turns out there IS power to positive thinking. Studies have shown that embracing gratitude on a daily basis has a whole host of benefits. It strengthens relationships, builds self-esteem, makes stress and anxiety more manageable, can make you more successful, and can help you sleep better at night. It can also have profound affects on your body, easing hypertension and improving immune systems.

This week, let’s share the love by harnessing the power of gratitude. Since you’re on the computer already, and have likely found this blog via Facebook, there is no time like the present to share your happy thought with your friends. Update your status with this prompt: “Today, I am grateful for ______” and fill in the blank.

Practicing a daily moment of gratitude isn’t as hard as it seems. It can be as small as a moment of prayer or mindfulness that connects you with your thoughts or as big as throwing surprise party for someone who deserves to be recognized. Here are a few more ideas to encourage better health, better thoughts, and, really, a better world.


  • Give a larger tip to the server who deserves it. Write a personal thank you on the receipt.
  • Tell your spouse how much you appreciate how hard they work.
  • Honor a compliment and the person giving it by accepting it with a gracious “Thank you”.
  • Send a thank you note to a business that impressed you with their service. Mention a specific employee, if one stands out.
  • Say thank you to your mailperson with a note and a bottle of water.
  • Write a note to the teacher who had a profound affect on your life or career.
  • Write a good review for your favorite restaurant, store, or practice.
  • Post a ringing endorsement of a friend on their Facebook wall, telling the world how important they are to you.
  • Be specific in your compliments.
  • When someone makes an effort to improve your day, recognize it.
  • Make eye contact and smile when meeting people on the sidewalk or in line for coffee. Doing so acknowledges them and their presence in the world. Never underestimate the power of a smile.

It doesn’t matter how you express or celebrate your gratitude, just do it and do it often. You’ll thank us later.
(And we’ll thank you now. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read all the way to the end of this blog and for allowing us to help you along your path to a healthy life. We hope you are well on your way to having the best summer yet).

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